9 miles - easy pace

Excellent car self portrait
One week from today I'll have completed my 3rd marathon, well that is if I do indeed
"complete" said marathon.  I'm excited and nervous. But more excited than
nervous. It's a big goal and something I didn't think I'd actually do again.  My
last marathon was the ING New York City Marathon in 2005.  It was a shitty,
shitty run, but it still remains a top 5 highlight in my life.  We were living
in NYC at the time and it was such an out of body, surreal experience to run
that race.  All the history, all the people and of course, ALL THAT MILEAGE! 
Egads, it was brutal.  But an amazing experience nonetheless.  So now... I find
myself much more prepared, much more excited and much OLDER for my 3rd marathon
in Eugene, OR. next week.  Yes, that's right, home of the Ducks!  GO BIG GREEN! 
It's going to be a lot of fun (I hope!).  Now come the days of extreme tapering,
crazy carbo-loading and hyrdrating like a mofo (note to self, beer does not
count as a hydrating beverage).  As my girl Torrance likes to say, "BRING IT ON!!"